Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baby Lola!

 McKay came home yesterday with a surprise for me--a little kitten! A woman in our ward was going to have us cat-sit her two cats for the summer because she's going back to the US, but she had already found someone else and I was SO disappointed. I love cats and I was looking forward to the company. But apparently a few days ago she came across a little kitten and so we get HER for the summer instead!

   She's so crazy adorable, but she reminds me of a joke my best friend Cara's Dad loves about a cat who froze to death. Her owners fed the cat gasoline and she immediately jumped up and ran around like crazy for a few minutes. She then shut her eyes and fell down dead. She ran out of gas. That pretty much describes little Lola--she runs around like cRaZY until she suddenly gets tired out and cuddles up next to us and sleeps. I keep saying she takes after McKay because she also talks in her sleep. Once in a while she'll just sit up and MEEEOOOWWWW and then put her head back down and go back to sleep. This happens quite often for no apparent reason. She also has McKay's green eyes :)

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!OH MY!!!!!! She is soooo cute! I am so happy that you have a little Chinese friend to keep you company! I sincerely hope that she doesn't run out of gas
