Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Canada in Pictures

  Everyone at a beautiful waterfall . . . except me. Because I hate hikes and I'm pregnant, so I stayed home and read a book on Alberta Ghost Stories.

 Red Rock, best hike ever--climbing up around waterfalls, natural water slides, and all kinds of goodness. One hike I don't mind doing, though I was sore for three days afterward. This picture doesn't show how dang beautiful this area was--with water glinting sunlight as it dripped steadily from the moss.
 I just like James' face behind McKay.
 It's impossible to take a bad picture of Waterton. Seriously, how gorgeous are those mountains with that lake??
   On the "stroll", as my brother-in-law Eric called it, that never ends.
 What was at the end of the never-ending "stroll"; a sandy lake that enjoyed blowing sand directly into our eyes. Or my eyes, anyway. We stayed by the water for about thirty seconds before fleeing in agony.

  Everyone all together! . . . again, except for me (and James and Jes, as they weren't in Canada yet). But Alberta Ghost Stories was totally worth it.


  1. Your baby is going to be so cute! Reading>hiking for sure.

  2. . . . and except us, right? . . . . Right? Guys?

  3. Haha, yes, of course, I meant the whole group that was up there while we were. Sorry, we love you and Joy and the kids, too!
