Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 21: If I Could Have One Superpower . . .

  I think I'd like to be able to breath under water. Which is kind of boring, but I love swimming, and most superpowers I think would kind of bite you in the butt (the book I'm writing is about superheroes, so I spend a good deal of time thinking about this). I would HATE to be able to read minds or be invisible, because I think you'd hear a lot of things you wish you hadn't.

  So I'd stick to breathing under water and go to Hawaii and swim with all the pretty fishies without accidentally swallowing salt water in my snorkel. Maybe not the handiest superpower in the world, but one that wouldn't get in the way of everyday life. It'd just help me do something I already enjoy.

  What would you want as your superpower?


  1. I would love to be invisible or reading minds. I know it could bite me in the rump, but I would love to know what's going on.

    1. You're brave! I'm happy in my ignorance.

    2. I just like understanding people better. I feel like I just stink at reading people at all.

  2. Flying. Hands down.
    And the ability to not be affected by the freezing temperatures and lack of air that tends to happen at higher altitudes.

    1. Ooh, smart! I think you've swayed my answer.

  3. your answer is the best one I've ever heard!!!! Genius! What about not needing to breathe at all?? Could that be a super power? Then you could hang out in outerspace a lot easier. I mean, you would still need to stay warm, but you wouldn't need to worry about getting disconnected from your oxygen.
