Sunday, July 22, 2012


  When I was revamping my blog, I had McKay do some random sketches for the background. I don't think it would flow well in the background anymore, but that doesn't mean you should be deprived of his genius!

Dramatic sketch of a feltie I did a while back
Yer a wizard, Julia. Yer also a bit spastic.
If I were a rad video game protagonist.

I don't know what the deal is with this one. BUT I LOVE IT.

Can you identify this? Brownie points if you can.

Another feltie reference. Narwhals rock.

This is Hector, the voodoo doll Cara made me. At least, the one on the right is. The left side one is Hector's imaginary friend, Cletus.

    In other news. . . there is no other news. Been a slow week. More spider wars, plus Snape (the snake that lives in our garden) has been enjoying freaking me out lately since the sun has actually been out and he's all "this skin is SO last season". That's about the gist of it. Yup yup.

  What's going on in YOUR exciting lives?


  1. It's the Indian shooting a star that supposedly gets you free tootsie-pops. I'd like a yellow boat, please, with extra rigging.

  2. So I totally tried the tootsie-pop thing at a gas was a no-go. Sigh, all my childhood dreams died that day.
    McKay is so good! I'm partial to the last one, but some might say I'm biased. I feel like it's fan art for me.
